
 WHO and WHAT GOD IS - The Evidence and Proofs" 

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 “WHO and WHAT IS GOD?"  

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“The Biggest Lie & The Greatest Truth"

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“Discover More About God"

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“Why ARE we here?" 

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Billions believe in and practice a form of Christianity that may not be in accordance with the definitions in the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ often warned most emphatically that many would be deceived into embracing false forms of worship. “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”. All ‘religions’ consist of human ideas about how to worship God.

However no fervent, sincere Christian person thinks that they are deceived. Christ must have meant someone else! Frightening fact: Anyone, including those who attend Church, who is deceived, does not know they are deceived.

A counterfeit is so like the real thing that it takes careful research to be able to tell the difference. If anybody is following a counterfeit gospel, it will not be easy for them to believe or accept that fact.

There are thousands of denominations of Christianity, each preach their own conflicting set of doctrines and beliefs, they cannot all be right. What is the solution? Any person who would be a true Christian cannot rely on any human organisation with human teachers for their source of truth.

There is only one standard that can be relied on, God’s own Word to us. The Holy Bible is the only Book in the world in which God speaks to us in the first person.
“Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”.

‘Theology’ is literally the study of God and true Christianity through His Word. Even there, a person has to be careful as all translations contain serious errors which can and do lead readers off the true path to Christianity. This book does not attempt to tell the reader what to think or believe, but will help the earnest person to find the truth for themselves.


#1 Another great resource book by Mr. Butler reveals the many lies and misconceptions taught by most religious organizations today. Written from an independent biblical perspective and not associated with any church or religious organization, THE BIGGEST LIE opens ones eyes to biblical ideas never before revealed to most people. Included in the book is a chart showing the correct order of the books of the Bible, as proclaimed by the late Dr. Ernest L. Martin. I recommend this easy to read book for both Bible study beginners as well as seasoned students of the scriptures.
Ken Nagele

#2 Brian Butler begins this book with a simple chart illustrating the important differences between religion and theology which gives the reader a foretaste of what is to come. Before the first chapter, the author’s introduction lays out clear purposes and goals. Without a doubt, he accomplishes his intentions many times over. It is a must read, especially for anyone considering to exit any religion.
Unlike many books with a religious bent, the author shows no favouritism for any denomination but does a rare thing. He lets the scripture interpret scripture concerning the three ‘biggest lies’. He exposes them and clarifies the truth with clear teaching from the original scriptures.
He then sets about the task showing the faithfulness of the scriptures, and provides the keys vital to the successful study of them. Keys I wish I had known many years ago before I became a minister. I would have been able to help the congregation understand their Bible better, and gain the perfect balance of understanding of the ‘law’ and ‘grace’ presented here.
Finally, the author reveals the amazing ‘Greatest Truth’ which lies ahead of us. This book is valuable for anyone. From those who have just begun to look for answers, to those who have studied for a long time. It is also a useful tool for all parents to help their children or grandchildren learn an effective way to study the Scriptures.
Mark Scheubel

#3 When it comes to theology, I don't know anyone who has studied and dissected it at such a depth as Brian. This book goes deep into the word of God, Chiristianity & discusses in detail important aspects of what is written in the bible and what it means. The bible can be difficult to read & interpret so to have Brian write a book to help us understand very important concepts about what the bible says is refreshing and helps me have a better understanding of Gods word. It's the type of book you do not want to rush through as it contains a lot of information. I read it over a few months and found it a better way to grasp the many concepts he covers. Great job Brian! David Butler (no relation! Ed.)


After spending his early years in business, both Brian H. Butler and his mentor spent many years, even decades, deeply involved in a version of Christianity before they both came to realise that they had been the very sincere, willing, and enthusiastic victims of the type of deception that Christ warned about so dramatically. Disillusioned with religion in all its forms, he then pursued a career in Natural Health Care for twenty-five years.

Then in his late seventies, Brian was shown a way to cut through all the deception of human religious ideas by dismissing what their ministers teach and how to rely instead upon the only real standard of Truth, the Bible, and how to access God's guidance when studying to find the way to True Christianity.

He learned the essential spiritual and practical keys that open up a greater understanding of the Scriptures as never before. He was so excited learning by so much truth that was new to him, and to learn how wrong he had been for so many years, that he was moved to want to share his new knowledge with as many others as possible. So after three more years of personal Bible study taking up forty or fifty hours a week, he produced a 438 page book called 'Why ARE we here?' This was a large book, and not an easy read, but many found the extensive information interesting and profitable.

Now in his eighties, Brian continued his studies, and was dismayed to realise just how many sincere people have been deceived the the thousands of Christian denominations which all claim they have the path to the 'truth'.

The fact that billions who are deceived do not know they are deceived, inspired him to write this new book,

'The Biggest Lie and the Greatest Truth' is a shorter volume that dramatically presents the pollution of the truth, the deceptive nature of many versions of 'Christianity', the simple principles of 'How to Study' God's Word effectively, and learn what God really requires of anyone who would aspire to become a 'True Christian' as defined by the Scriptures.

This book reveals the awful truth that most of the thousands of 'Christian' organisations are actually deceived by the one who has deceived the whole world, and have unwittingly absorbed many pagan ideas and practices into their version of 'Christianity', practices which God actually hates, and which keep the hapless believer of these false teachings from having a proper close personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

This book does not attempt to teach anyone what to believe or what to think, but simply offers the really simple physical and spiritual keys that anyone can use to grow in knowledge and understanding of what God wants us to know now in this 21st Century.

WHO and WHAT GOD IS -The Evidence and Proofs



The purpose and goals of this book, ‘WHO and WHAT IS GOD?’ is to provide a resource to anyone whose ‘eyes and ears’ are being opened by our Father, the Almighty God to learn about Him.

God is the Ultimate Scientist. Everything He does is Scientific. This book examines God’s Energies and Powers, His Marvellous Works, which are all based on His True Science.

If only more human scientists would use ‘true’ science which is simply to explore and investigate what IS, the things that God has made. Using the ever more powerful microscopes, when they see the amazing structure of matter, the incredible design and mechanisms of living things, they would want to glorify and praise Him.


With telescopes outside earth’s atmosphere, we can now see more of the universe that God created than humans have ever seen, and this ought to kindle a sense of wonder at everything we see. The heavens declare the Glory of God. The myriad galaxies speak to us of Him in every language in every place on earth of Him, and His awesome Powers.

This book explores and reveals facts known to only a very few people. Many treats are in store for the reader who is able to ‘tune in’ to the Spiritual information it contains. To do that, they will have to pray for an open mind in order to embrace some of the uncomfortable truths it contains.


Scientists, and all others with an enquiring mind who are able to grasp the reality of the evidence and proofs of a Designer and Creator in this book would bring a new dimension to their lives. As they grow up, every child would benefit from the scientific information in it. Christianity based on human reasoning, human belief and faith simply does not work. Thousands of different denominations, each thinking their version of ‘truth’ is correct demonstrates this fact. Each claims to be able to mediate between God and human beings.

There is only One Mediator between God and us, the Living Christ Jesus. The only pathway that leads to a greater understanding of God is for each individual to ask Him directly for His Spiritual gifts of Belief and Faith.


Armed with those gifts, we can access the absolute truths that are only contained in the Bible that God wrote by inspiring human beings to write every word in it. God’s Word is the only source of pure truth.


This book will show the reader HOW to study the Bible effectively, with His help, and discover for themselves what God wants them to learn at any stage of their lives. We do not need any person to teach us when we rely on Him.


This book is concrete evidence and proof of several things that you know and know that you know exist: An idea, and author to write it down, a designer, a publisher, all had to exist for the book to be produced.


Sadly some of the most intelligent, highly trained scientists and others assert with authority that:

1. Everything came from nothing or

2. Everything evolved itself from simple to complex out of matter floating on the ‘primordial seas’ or

3. That once upon a time there was a ‘Big Bang’ when ‘energy’ was suddenly released (how and from where?) and then ‘gravity’ compressed the hydrogen molecules into spheres that became stars and galaxies, and that pressure gradually formed the elements of the ‘Periodic Table’ in the process.


These three notions are all ideas, guesses, or theories that cannot have any basis in true science because they did not, and could not have happened.


Energy cannot come from nothing, everyone knows that. There has to be a chemical source like in a battery, or a power station to produce energy from a fuel. Energy is invisible, God is the Source of all Energy. Energy is the Ultimate Evidence and proof that God exists, and is the Cause of everything.


God inspired men to write His Book the Bible, which is God’s Word, literally Theo-God Word-Logos. It is a Book which consists almost entirely of the evidence of eyewitnesses, and testimony of thousands of witnesses in both the ‘Old Testimony’ and the New Testimony’


This book, ‘WHO and WHAT GOD IS –THE EVIDENCE & PROOFS’ is based on that Holy Book, and provides solid concrete evidence which would stand up to scrutiny in any court of law.


Who and What is God a5 page 001


The purpose and goals of this book, ‘WHO and WHAT IS GOD?’ is to provide a resource to anyone whose ‘eyes and ears’ are being opened by our Father, the Almighty God to learn about Him.

The information in it is not drawn from any religious ideas. It is entirely based on the original manuscripts that make up the Scriptures of the Bible, the instruction manual for human life.

The author is well aware of the fact that all translations of the Bible contain errors and material that is not to be found in the original manuscripts. This is a problem but can be easily overcome by careful study.

The reader will need to pray for an open mind and heart to benefit from the sometimes difficult truths it contains

So how can we learn about ‘Who and What God is?’ Study the Instruction Book God wrote!

The pinnacle of all was the Creation of human beings which they planned, and who were designed ultimately to become God and part of Themselves.

Our Earth was formed to be inhabited by human beings, and as far as we know, there is nowhere else that is.

This book will help to explain the answer to the question so many have in their minds, “How can a God of Love allow all the horrendous evils that exists in this world?”

God has Invisible Secret Powers of Creation. Scientists know the existence of these powers of Gravity, Centrifugal Force, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Magnetism, Radiation, etc., but they call them ‘The Laws of Physics’. This is pure ‘sacrilege’, which means they are literally stealing the credit for the Design and the Act of Creation from God who used these Powers to create all we know.

Human beings were given ‘dominion’ over this world. To have dominion over anything means being in charge of something or to rule it. That phrase means to look after it carefully and well.

Most of humanity has lost sight of and respect for the God of Creation It seems that most human beings have no shame when it comes to the way they abuse and mistreat this wonderful home called Earth.

God is not far away, although we cannot see Him He is ‘out there’ and near to us. The solid evidence of His Reality is all around us here on Earth. God’s invisible ‘cloud’ Heaven surrounds the physical Earth which is suspended within that ‘cloud’. God’s Life Power lives in us and we literally live in Him

God’s Life Power gives us every breath we breathe by activating the muscles of the diaphragm which draws air containing oxygen into our lungs. He also gives each person every heartbeat until they die. How thankful is the average person for that gift of life?

Where is God working now in this age? Is He working with the many thousands of different Christian churches and organisations who cannot agree on His teachings? Clearly not. Christ is not divided.

God is working through His Son the Word who became Christ Jesus, was born and lived as a man, and died for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God the Father.

What about when we die? Most think we do not die, and think that we go on the another ‘life’. This is not what the Scriptures clearly say. When we die we are truly dead, no thoughts no memories no consciousness. Dead. ‘Asleep’ until the Christ returns and resurrects his ‘Ecclesia’, his group of people he has ‘called’ in this age.

This book goes on to offer more detail about the glorious future human beings will have as God’s children for eternity.

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